Friday, August 7, 2009

Let's Get Back to Basics

I am sitting here mulling over in my mind what is happening in our country. There just seems to be little or no respect for one another anymore. You read almost daily about shootings, beatings, destruction of property, and the list goes on and on. Basic civility seems to have gone out the door. You have to watch what you say and do closely to avoid “dissing” someone or a group of people. One word or phrase rightly interpreted or not can set things off. People have little or no patience for others in many ways. Sometimes it would seem it can be you looked at the other person the wrong way. This is surely a sad situation.
While others may disagree with me, I feel it would not hurt anyone at all to be taught what is known as the “Golden Rule” again. “Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.” Or put in a simpler manner, treat other people as you would like to be treated. Stop and think for a minute before reacting. Most of the time it is better NOT to react immediately to a situation if you have the option. Take a deep breath, step back for a couple of minutes or seconds, do some analyzing of what has happened. Take the time to find out the true facts about things. A lot of trouble could be avoided if more people would do this. The story is told when Abraham Lincoln was angry at someone, he would sit and write a letter, then put it in his desk for a few days. He would then take it out, look at it and most of the time would decide not to send it. He would destroy it. The same principle can apply to e-mails. Write it, put it in your “draft” folder, then later look at it. I have found I virtually always hit “delete” or greatly modify what I have written. I had a time where I hit the wrong button and sent an angry e-mail which I dearly regretted and did apologize. Stopping and thinking can also make you think about the tone of your e-mails. It is impossible to know the true emotion of the writer during an e-mail. In many ways more face to face communication is needed again.
You watch our leaders at times and if someone disagrees with them, it is smear them. They have people who look for “dirt” to use against those who disagree. This is not limited to one party. Both are guilty. The mud flinging is not becoming to anyone, and it sure would be nice if our leaders would conduct themselves in accordance with a higher standard. This slinging party is even during the primaries when we choose who will run for a position. So this is not limited to members of the opposition party but those in their own party. It is not unusual for things to be used from 20, 30, even forty or more years ago to bring out against someone. Will someone please be a grown up here!!!
I worry about our young people in this way. If someone is being teased or the like it is so much harder for them to get away from it nowadays. With texting, Instant message, et all the person cannot get away from the harassment. The only way to avoid it is to not do any thing which is related to these things which is unthinkable to a teenager these days. In this way all the new technology is not all good. You can be the subject of all this but not know who is doing it unless you happen to know their on screen name or identity. It certainly adds to the boldness to go after someone because of the anonymity. Unfortunately some people really get their “jollies” or “kicks” out of doing things like this. I went through more than my fair share of teasing and the like when in school but at least I could come home and pretty much get away from it. People didn’t call me at home.
The only way to turn this around, in my mind, is to begin to teach respect for other people from a very early age. Perhaps there are some who would object because the concept is found in the Bible, Matthew 7:12. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” This is yet another sensitive point with some people. Don’t bring up anything which is even remotely related to religion or the Bible. Please, people, calm down a little bit. The “Golden Rule” is a concept which can be taught without thinking religion is somehow being “forced down your throat.” This is just basic civility and treating other people correctly. We need to start getting down to basics again. It needs to begin at home with the parents. Begin to teach basic etiquette, treatment of others, and rules. We all need to keep those in mind.

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