Monday, March 6, 2017

It Has Been An Exciting Couple Of Weeks

          I am ready for things to calm down. Much happened in a two week period. First it was finding out we were victims of credit card fraud. A mysterious package showed up at the door with items we knew we hadn't ordered. Ter was ready to call the company which had shipped the package when a gentleman showed up and claimed the package was his. He identified the package and we turned it over. Later that evening, Ter checked our credit card balance and low and behold the package had been charged to us! In calling the bank we discovered this person had be attempting to charge up our card at all kinds of places but the charges had been denied by the bank due to not being in the pattern of our normal shopping. For some reason the notices from the bank were never received in either of our e-mails. We did call the police and filed a report but in many ways it will be very difficult to catch this not very nice person (I will say if I swore my language would be much stronger) as he used a false name and our address. It is particularly upsetting as we rarely use the cards that were hacked. Another case of someone having too much time on their hands and the mentality it is all right to try and rob, at least that is the way I see it, another person without their knowledge. Such is the world we live in. We also talked to our police officer son who is now aiding in the investigation in any way he can. It can be good to have a cop in the family. 
     Then the weekend previous to this one, we had excitement with a police officer being dragged by the vehicle of a perpetrator trying to escape, which was followed by a huge manhunt including at least two law agencies (see the dashcam footage on my FB page of the struggle between the officer and perp). It ended with the accused crashing his car into a tree thusly being caught about half a mile from our house. Thankfully the police officer wasn't badly injured and was back on  duty quickly. It really kind of shook me up to know what was going on so closely to our home. There has been enough excitement in our town the past couple of years with the police and it hasn't been good. I hope all the falderol will result in a better department and procedures. It is surely needed. 
     On top of that, we were told last week that Ter will be laid off if the company cannot get him transferred to another project by next week. Wow, it gives one pause to think how older workers are being treated in this day and age. Companies are all too ready to try and push these experienced workers out the door. Is it they don't wg ant to pay for the years of experience in order to bring in younger workers whom they can pay less? One could make an argument for age discrimination for sure.  The Bible speaks of giving respect to those who have grey hair for their wisdom gained over the years. Hmm, I could make a joke about my lack of grey hair, without coloring, so therefore shouldn't see respect. We'll leave that one alone.
     It is time for things to settle down some, for sure. This little body is getting too old to put up with all this excitement. 

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